The Sleep Collective: A Game-Changer for BCBAs Seeking to Make a Lasting Impact

Hello, BCBAs and sleep advocates! If you've ever felt like you're just another face in the crowd of behavior analysts, or if you're searching for a specialty that truly makes a difference in the lives of your learners and their families, it’s time to step into something bigger. Let me introduce you to The Sleep Collective—the signature certification program designed to set you apart in the field of ABA and give you the tools you need to transform the way we approach sleep interventions.

In the world of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), it can sometimes feel like we’re all offering the same services, following the same protocols. But here’s the thing—sleep is often an overlooked, yet fundamental, aspect of the care we provide. We know that when a learner isn’t sleeping well, everything else becomes a challenge. Behavior management, learning, and overall quality of life suffer. That’s where The Sleep Collective comes in—providing you with a deep dive into the sleep sciences and practical ABA applications that can help your learners achieve the restful nights they deserve.

Why Specialize in Sleep?

For families, sleep is often a primary concern. Autistic learners frequently struggle with sleep disturbances that affect not only their own well-being but also the entire household. As a BCBA, you have the unique opportunity to step into a role where you can deliver life-changing results by integrating sleep interventions into your practice.

Here’s why specializing in sleep is so important:

  • Better Sleep = Better ABA Outcomes: Sleep is a foundational element of health. When learners sleep well, their behavior improves, and they are more receptive to the interventions we provide. By addressing sleep issues, you can enhance the effectiveness of your ABA strategies and support better long-term outcomes.

  • Meaningful Impact on Families: Sleep deprivation doesn’t just affect learners—it impacts entire families. By becoming a Certified Behavioral Sleep Specialist, you’re equipped to help families regain balance, reduce stress, and foster a home environment that supports everyone’s well-being. You’ll not only improve the lives of your learners but also support their caregivers in a meaningful way.

  • Standing Out in a Crowded Field: The reality is, there are many BCBAs out there, but how many are experts in sleep? By earning this certification, you set yourself apart from others who are merely fulfilling CEU requirements. This certification shows your dedication to advancing your expertise and offering specialized services that truly make a difference.

What Makes The Sleep Collective Unique?

Unlike other online trainings that provide surface-level knowledge, The Sleep Collective offers a thorough and practical understanding of sleep issues—specifically through the lens of ABA. 

Here's what you can expect from the program:

  • 12 Hours of Continuing Education: Covering key topics like the ethics of sleep programming, how sleep works, and the analysis and treatment of sleep problems, this isn’t just about theory. You’ll also learn specific sleep interventions for autistic learners and how to develop individualized sleep plans.

  • Weekly Group and 1:1 Coaching: You won’t be going through this alone. With a minimum of 5 group coaching sessions and 5 individual coaching sessions, you’ll have the support you need to apply the principles you're learning in real-time.

  • Practical Application: This isn’t about sitting through hours of lectures. We focus on real-world application—helping you understand how to navigate common sleep disruptors (like vacations, illness, or transitions) and provide sustainable sleep solutions for families.

  • Lifetime Access to a Support Group: Certification doesn’t end with a piece of paper. You’ll have access to an ever-expanding resource vault and a support network of other Certified Behavioral Sleep Specialists, helping you stay current on the latest research and trends in sleep, developmental, and behavioral sciences.

Why This Certification Aligns with Your Mission as a BCBA

As BCBAs, we are committed to improving the lives of the learners we serve. We analyze behaviors, break down barriers, and implement evidence-based strategies to foster meaningful change. The Sleep Collective aligns perfectly with this mission by giving you the tools to analyze sleep-specific behaviors, rule out medical concerns, and develop sustainable sleep plans tailored to each learner's needs.

Sleep is a critical aspect of daily functioning, and when it’s disrupted, it impacts every other area of life. By adding sleep interventions to your skill set, you’re not just helping learners sleep better—you’re improving their ability to engage in therapy, focus on learning, and regulate their emotions during the day. And what could be more aligned with the mission of ABA than that?

Benefits of Becoming a Certified Behavioral Sleep Specialist

Still wondering if this is the right step for you? Here’s what The Sleep Collective offers that other programs don’t:

  • Printed and signed proof of competencies to share with families, employers, and funding sources, proving your expertise in this specialized area.

  • A dedicated digital badge for use in your email signature, social media, and website, showing your certification as a recognized expert in sleep interventions.

  • Private gatherings and exclusive research access, keeping you at the forefront of developments in sleep, developmental, and behavioral sciences.

This certification doesn’t just enhance your professional qualifications—it positions you as a leader in a niche that is critical to improving ABA outcomes.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Are you ready to set yourself apart and make a meaningful impact in the lives of your learners and their families? The Sleep Collective is designed specifically for BCBAs who want to deepen their understanding of sleep and offer a specialized service that can truly change lives.

Enrollment for the next cohort is now open—and remember, November is your last chance to lock in 2024 prices before they increase in 2025.

Let’s talk about how this certification can benefit your practice and the families you serve. Schedule a free discovery call with me today!


Myth Busting: What Really Works (and Doesn’t) for Sleep